29 Nov 2004

We the responsible citizens of the world,
want to save it. So we indentify the most crucial problems that need to be addressed so we can have maximum effect for the limited resources and manpower we have. It is sanitation, clean water, food security, basic education and literacy, and habitation. Most of the we know the solutions. No toilets? Build them. However this is what we will identify next, the obstacles to the solution which are lack of funds, lack of man-power, corrupt governments9 this problem is two-fold; one the money meant for development are usully siphon off and two the humanitarian agencies are reluctant to work in such countries knowing that the effort will come to naught).
In light of these problems I have always been for the using of local people to improve themsleves. Instead of giving them fish we should teach them to fish. teach them to build simple but proper toilets. In doing so not only you give them knowledge that will be passed on the the next generations and the surroundings villages inhabited by relatives but you also give them know-how for that all-important maintenace work. No point going in to build FOR them 5 star toilets when it will be ruined ina years time. Waste of money and time.
A lot of technology was passed on and learnt. We must research all these basic technologies and disseminate it!

24 Nov 2004

I have always been a crazy medicant,
Sometimes I can't believe the rubbish I come up with but then again that is what makes my life interesting. So anyway I have been thinking: There are lot of pastors in China that are locked up right? And I have this grand dream of forming penal battalions to provide the labour for toilet-digging, food distribution, logistic support, vaccinations and that sort of thing. I wonder if I brkoker a deal with the Chinese government to get these to staff my penal battalions hopefully they will see it as getting a chance to get rid of troublesome prisoners and not needing to spend money to house them and feed them and for me buying them their crazy freedom I get man-power and lastly get their freedom and if they so choose they can pursue theological studies while working in my penal battalions. Now I guess the government won't see t that way..in fact they will deny that thse kind of prisoners exist..sure they will be dying to get rid of the rapists and murderers but I don't they will let these jokers out..then the whole world will know their despicable deeds. An idea is an idea.
I have always been a crazy medicant,
Sometimes I can't believe the rubbish I come up with but then again that is what makes my life interesting. So anyway I have been thinking: There are lot of pastors in China that are locked up right? And I have this grand dream of forming penal battalions to provide the labour for toilet-digging, food distribution, logistic support, vaccinations and that sort of thing. I wonder if I brkoker a deal with the Chinese government to get these to staff my penal battalions hopefully they will see it as getting a chance to get rid of troublesome prisoners and not needing to spend money to house them and feed them and for me buying them their crazy freedom I get man-power and lastly get their freedom and if they so choose they can pursue theological studies while working in my penal battalions. Now I guess the government won't see t that way..in fact they will deny that thse kind of prisoners exist..sure they will be dying to get rid of the rapists and murderers but I don't they will let these jokers out..then the whole world will know their despicable deeds. An idea is an idea.

23 Nov 2004

Just a few random ideas I have bandying around my head,
I am always for teaching a man to fish instead of giving him a fish but there may be circumstances which are so great that he would not be able to fish for himself for a while such as when he is sick and that is when he needs fish given to him. That is my philosophy regarding the distribution of welfare. Only in the case when he is not able to fend for himself such as old widows or orphans with no closest kin do they become wrad of the state.
In the old days relatives are responsible for the welfare of fellow kin and clansmen but with the dissolution of the extended family this is no longer the case and thus have increase the burden of the state. The state must hold family responsible ofr the welfare of their own kin and only in extraordinary circumstances where they cannot to afford then only then does the state make them wards of the state.
In the case of the wards it may be that reliance will in the end breed dependence and such should not the the goal for it is only noble that all men learn to fish for themselves. Therefore welfare should not be distributed to any persons not making attempts to learn to fish such continuing their education in the case of teenage single-parents though the state should provide leeway in providing creche facilities or ensuring that mothers do not need to relie on caretakers that would take significant amount of resources so as to discourage them from continuing their studies and should the ward be working but yet earn not enough to feed the family. The state should give welfare proportionate to the amount he earns, so as to encourage himself to improve himself, for even in receiving welfare he is forced to improve himself, until the total reaches the threshold of sufficiency which must be adjusted for means, area and inflation. To him that works hard more will be given and thus should be the philosophy of welfare for in the current state one has no reward for working harder for all recieve the same amount of welfare depending on the number of people and should the state worry that with increased amount of capital the ward choose no to wisely invest then other mechanisms of motivation should be introduced, such discounts to buying healthy foods rather than junk or subsidies for such so as to encourage healthy eating that is realted with the increase ability for social mobility.
In this modern age the problem of a welfare system that is a hindrance to hindrance social mobility puts it in the league of the caste system and thus is not case originally envisioned by the founders of what we call welfare today, for they have envisioned one that will not hinder rather one that will be the vehicle to enable all men to claim responisibility and equality.

19 Nov 2004

Hey people got an interesting story here,
"Consider the story of Henry Tandey, a British infantryman in the Duke of Wellington Regiment in the First World War. On September 28, 1918, Tandey participated in an attack against enemy trenches near the small French town of Marcoing. The British carried the day, and as they advanced, Tandey Cautiously peered into a trench. He saw an enemy soldier, a corporal, lying bleeding on the ground. It would have been easy for Tandey to finish off his enemy, as he had killed many that day; Tandey had played an heroic role in the battle and later was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest wartime decoration, for his great courage. But he felt it was wrong to shoot an injured man, and he spared the corporal's life.
In 1940, during the Nazi bombardment of Coventry, when Tandey worked as a security guard at the Triumph automobile factory, he gnashed his teeth. "Had I known what that corporal was going to become! God knows how sad I am that I spared him." The corporal was Adolf Hitler. Tandey's human gesture had led to the deaths of millions of people and, in a bitter irony of military destiny, had placed his own life at the mercy of the monster whose life he could have taken."
Everything within the quote is not mine but comes form Michael Ledeen's Machiavelli on Modern Leadership. Interesting story no? Just sort of help me understand that our finite minds cnoot comprehend the repercussions of our seemingly good motives and why the Israelites have to do what they had to do in Canaan.
Here is the round up of some of the news,
That I read in the Star. 17 year-old burn victim loses fight to stay alive, snatch theft victim in coma dies after baby delivered by C-section, old man dies crossing the street. Indeed we are but grass in the field. Looked through the prism of eternity living a thousand years is nothing but through our finite relativity it is such tragedy these people die. They could have just celebrated the birth of a grandchild, just gotten married. When they were young they could have looked forward and imagined living to a hundred and planeed their lives. There was so much potential. They would have had many moments happy and but never had they wanted their lives to come to an end and never in their wildest dreams had they thought it would come to this. Indeed we are but flowers in a field.
We plan, we dream, we hope and look to a future not quite ours but seemed so sure to become our pasts. We go through the cycles of life as all before us childhood, school and all its drama, our jobs and the material comfort it brings, love and children that is its rewards and everyone does it and is expected to a certain to do it but then tragedy strikes and all comes to naught. I was reading Ezekial and God was saying the troubles would be so bad that it was better that you were dead. Sad as we are over these tragedy cold comfort that they will never see the troubles those thatlive will see but happier still he is that knows the Lord his salvation assured and not balanced before the Throne of God.

18 Nov 2004

Well the World Toilet Summit just ended in Beijing,
Lots of talk about improving public toilets but hwat really caught my attention is the fact that more than 1 billion people don't have anything other than a hole in the ground or the nearby river. Not that these are bad but given the amount of people alive today, you are almost certainly talking about a cholera powder keg waiting to explode. Millions of kids die of diarrhoea every year and the cause unclean water due to the lack of sanitation. Clean water and samitation is intimately liked though both are considered seprate basic needs yet billions are with.
So this is the problem. Now these are the parameters. A lot of the times people go in build great toilets and they degenerate because there is no maintenance, so there must a low-maintenece design. Second parameter cost. Like if people will spend billions to build a stupid tower butnot millions to fund people like Li Yit to design somekind of cheap low-maintence toilets what are the chances they wil fund its building. Thrid parameter focus. We always want to do everything but I guess we will more efficient if we are focus on one purpose.
So now here are the solutions. We start funding research to people like to Li Yit to design cheap but durable and easily maintained toilets and set up a focused organisation to the name of the United Toilet-Diggers of Malaysia to build these toilets on the cheap. And of course it will be under the umbrella organisation of the FDL.

15 Nov 2004

Just a short one about prayer,
Of many years now I thought it was wrong to ask God for things because it should never be about things but now I realised it is OK to share with God what you want...Jesus did that too...He prayed for the cup to be taken away..but in the end submitted to the will of the Father...I guess God wants us to pray eventhough He knows what we want because He wants us to talk to him...just like I would everyone to talk to me everyday...especially if it is a person I especially care for..same with God and even better He loves us more than we can ever imagine and err..like the unrequitted lover waiting at the phone....so pray don't be ashamed to ask God for a Ferrarri if that is in your heart..mine is an Alvis Scarab....babies say stupid nonsense to their dads all the time and yet dads are so full of love...it is like I see all these new dads going all koochikoochigaga when their babies make some kind of noise remotely close to normal human speech....they sound ridiculous but you cannot deny the love...pray for what ever you want and don't feel bad....God just want to hear your voice....but don't expect everything to be answered though.

14 Nov 2004

I was walking to church this morning,
And I saw a plane flying overhead. It was one of those rare clear blue mornings. The sight brought a thought to my mind. I thought to myslef I could be any where looking at this sight. No matter where you are somesights are the same. I was thinking about the people that the plane was taking its passengers from or to. It works both ways.
Probably when I am flying home some guy on ground will look up see the plane and hopefully not shoot it down and think the things I have thought and wondering who are the people onboard and who they will be seeing.
I also thought about airports and 99% of the people there are just there for a while. The only permanent staff are the janitors and the people at the duty-free shops and for the rest the airport is merely temporary stop. Kind of like life on earth. The temporal and transient and ephemeral. life on this earth is merely an inconvenience before we reach the next but we must live it and also die before we can reach our perfect destination.
Wow I haven't been blogging in a while,
But then again my exams are in less than four weeks time so I have to study.
Someone recently asked me if there are any reasons I support Bush other than because of the abortion issue. Well I have and this is because I am unlike most people who oppose Bush because I have more than one reason but I don't have all the time in the world and of course my major is medicine and not politics so I couldn't expound all of them but I will give you a summary.
One, Bush is a friend of Israel. Malaysian media is biased and that is why you will never hear the full story but if you go online or even read the Bible you will realise that the and belong to the Jews. The Palestinians were suppose to stop the suicide bombings once the Israelis move out of Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinians have no excuse because all except Hizbollah is under PLO which is the umbrella body and if the Palestinians really plan to stop the suicide bombers they can because they have the intelligence. So they did not honour their side of thier deal and still expect Israel to treat them nicely. Arabs can live in Israel in peace but look at the settlers in Gaza and the West Bank....continually under threat this is why Israel have no choice but to send in tanks to protect them. Even when Israel want to pull out of Gaza they launch suicide attacks to make it look like a retreat eventhough this make Israelis unsupportive of the plan. Bush pushed the bias Roadmap to peace aside and say that he will not expect Israel to give further concessions until the Palestinians regconise the right of Israel to exist and stop the attacks. I saw this today....The Palestinians claim Jerusalem is theirs but it is they are the last to conquer it but that would mean the rest of the land belong to Israel because they were the last to conquer...if the land goes to the people who originally settle in the area..we can only conclude the Israelites because the rest of the peoples are gone and Arabs only came to that place after the Jews were driven out...
Secondly Bush is a free-trader. While Kerry to penalise companies for out-sourcing. Out-sourcing means sending jobs to places where there are cheaper labour. Now if this happens place like China and India will collapse even Malaysia because there is so much direct foreign investment coming because of out-sourcing. With Kerry he is going to penalise them until it is cheaper to keep the jobs in the US. Now this not only bad for us but the US because this is very unproductive and with Americans they must be paid American wages. People will have jobs but the won'y be abble to afford anything because well everything is so expensive.
Thirdly, Bush is willing to finish the job no dare to undertake, he is willing to fight the Islamic fundamentalist. Do you think for a moment if we left them alone they will leave us alone? September 11th happened eventhough the Americans did for the Palestinians what three pan-Arab invasions couldn't do: secure land for the Palestinian state and yet they were attcked. It was then that Bush took a hardline against them before that the Americans were happy to live as they were. Now even if the Jews were removed from Israel( something that will not happen), do you think the fundamentalist won't pull out all the stops and try to reestablish their caliphate. You read it even in Berita Harian all this talk about returning to glory days.
Fourth Bush do things. For two decades the South Sudan was persecuted and guess who are the people who forced the Notherners to the peace table. Bush launched a 15 billion dollar anti-Aids initiative in Africa something that Clinton never did. Clinton pulled out of Somalia condenming it to 10 more years of civil war. Recently Somalia elected an interim president the first leader in more than 13 years and it wasn't Malaysians who made this happen but the US! Hey Afghanistan had its first elections and girls are now going to school, the reason you don't hear anymore news coming from Afghanistan is because the US intervention is working now this is something that 10 years of OIC mediation never achieved.
Bush is not perfect and there are thing that I would like him to do better but he is better than what Kerry has to offer and don't give me that peace thing( Keery voted for the Iraq war for heaven's sake) and of course much better than anyone in Malaysia...by the way I don't rate Malaysians as very intelligent people or very informed except for Yew Kong and Li Yit..the rest are just people good at memorising books...OK this is bias but you get my drift and of course there are othe smart people.

6 Nov 2004

Here you go another forgotten place in the world these past few weeks. People are still dying and in need of medical help, they still lack clean water and proper sanitation.
And when the war is over people will still need help to get their lives in order again. There is so mcuh to do...I am depress...all I am doing now and can do is reading about drugs that affect the CNS...sigh.
I got this question a while back,
It was meant to be joke but I think it merit serious thought. The question was how would you solve the food crisis in Africa of something to that effect.
Well for onething we can start by slowly weaning First World farmers from their subsidies. African farmers can't export their produce and plow the extra money they could have earn into improving their productivity, their lives, and building up a reserve in case of famine because they can't compete with goods that are not cheaper but are made so because of subsidies. A note to First World nations: instead of sending aid, most of which goes into the pockets of the oligarchs or use as tools of manipulation, reduce the subsidies. The less subsidies the less aid needed to be sent.
At the same time knowledge is power and the most effective tools. Send experts to help farmers increase productivity or jumpstart their agricultural research cantres. In effect teach them to fish, fish better and find ways to learn to fish better.
Both must work together he who helps and those who are helped and both must be willing to achieve the collective goal.

5 Nov 2004

I can't believe it is more than three weeks since the floods brought about by hurricanes. While Florida in the US was also affected but they have more or less got back to living their normal lives and of course they suffered less casualties. It sucks being poor.
In that time there is the US elections, Iraq war and so on and Haiti is all but forgotten. Even if we remember what is there to do.
People have lost their homes, their crops, their assets to survive adn be independent and their families. we cannot be feeding them forever but we must them fish again by giving new rods and nets or at least material to make new rods and nets. It is easy to talk but so hard to get it done. I can only pray now but pray for what? For God to send workers and am I not one of them..I am depress.
MSF just pulled out of Iraq,
I don't know but I never like pulling out when people need you the most. They have a valid reason though, their security was increasingly compromised.
That is why I believe the Failure defense League have a niche to fill but to fill this niche we will have to be more aggressive and this why we can't have married members at least in the military and suicide mission wing.
I was wondering why can't they set up shop in tribal chiefs house or something. Nothug will dare risk wrath of a tribe by attcking it and why can't they use tribesmen as their bosyguard. Sure there is always that lelment of treachery but I don't I believe anything is better than leaving and leaving people to their fate.
MSF has announced that they are pulling out of Iraq,
This is because of the security worries that they are experiencing. I don't blame them but I was thinking this is where the Failure Defense League comes in. Where others leave we will move in thouhg to do this we have no choice but be more militant. Why can't aid agencies defend themselves? Why can't they get the people who they are serving to help them defend themselves? I advocate machine guns for aid workers, preferably MP5's but I think the best will be opening shop in the village chiefs place and getting him to protect you but this is merely theory no one has tried this yet.
An aisde would be why married guys won't be in the main wings..quite seriously this dangerous and I cannot think how we are about to care for the widows given our limited resources. The only resources we have is our time and lives.
Everyone is busy. I am suppose to be busy but I am so dying for a chat that I just let my work pile up. I see the work but I have no mood. I guess it is kind of like an anorexic seeing food. You are hungry but you just don't want to look at it or eat it. I wonder if it is a psychiatric or psychological problem?
As for ideas nothing new really. So this blog in between being my personal journal and idea collection book is just waste of space in the cyberworld. Well the only reason that I took up blogging was because some people seemed so interested in my ideas so I thought why not reach a larger audience other than my weekend mamak kakis and and mintain this blog.
Sadly the amount of comments is pathetic. There is no debate. No one opposes my ideas. What is this? Even I myself know that they aren't perfect but no one is saying so. I can only draw a few conclusions. Either most people are weak-brained, no one read my blogs, or they do but can't be bothered to comment. Either way I living in a silent universe. Well it is not so silent if I read my Bible everyday but I have not been doing that so a bit silent. So maybe is my fault but at least other people can contribute to make my life less miserable.
It is interesting that it sems that only a few people in the owrld have anything happening in their lives.....arghhh.

4 Nov 2004

Bush wins,
Now let's hope he will keep to his promises and not disappoint me. Now I am a very easy person to please. Capitalism or Socialism? Both doesn't work. Nothing works actually. I will explain some other time. War no war? The people in South Sudan are better off, Israel is safer but then again Christians were protected minorities under these Baathist minority regimes.
But the most important thing is Bush is the first person to regulate this Roe vs. Wade madness. I hope he does his best and about choice why can't all those women who plan to have pre-marital sex shove an IUD up their *ahem* it more effective than any condom or pill. It is 100% effective. though for those who believe life start at conception I would say ay least that life with no developed neurons won't feel pain but let me be straight a life is still lost but most of the time you can't stop them but it is not that we won't try. Anyway according to my Embrology textbook by Larsen IUD prevents fertilisation. Not sure about that but need research but if true the IUD is an acceptable form at least to some and pro-choice as a better contraceptive..no surgery required.

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My current project is listening to all the albums listed on this list titled Best Jazz Albums: 50 Essentials You Need to Hear. And once yo...