7 Oct 2004

There is an inherent risk in posting wordy blogs and this risk is chances people will be so put off at the sight of so many words that your readership is near nil. I will persevere however as I am too lazy to write and since typing requires less energy.
Latest has it that Blair intends to solve the problem of Africa. I eally do hope he succeeds then there will be less burdens for me. However as far as I know he is not the first person who wants to do something and as far as we can see no one has succeeded. What is the matter? I really don't know. And Africa is not the only one in trouble South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Central Asia, India, ...basically the whole world....poverty, infectious disease, corrupt officials, resistance to the Gospel..there is more trouble than I can list...why is no one making headway?...why isn't more people driven to do something? Sorry this question is unqualified. I think epople wnat to do something but they don't know what to do. No one enjoy wasting their time and resources and so until there is an effective way to solve these issue no one is going to invest either. Anyway enough of depressing stuff.( I am coping out actually thinking too much about these issues make my head hurt)
Anyway I have discussing with some friends about the future of Boys Brigade or whatever you call the Christian version of the Boy Scouts in your part of the world.
Most important we must have an objective, vision, goal, target or whatever you call it because I felt that over the years it has become some kind of social club and ditto that for the church but before I hijack the church I think I will hijack the Boys Brigade. My idea for the new Boys Brigade is that it will train people to lead the end time church and until then be effectively equipped to do missions. I don't think this was the original vision but I don't think I have the time to start another organisation from scratch so just hijack one with its exiting structure and facilities and change it.
So what will we do? Well we know that in the end times the church will be persecited and churches will have to go underground like the house-churches of China so instead of waiting for that to happen before we start training leaders that can lead in house churches style and get all the inherent problems, I say we get ready now. So instead of slogan shouting we have intense Bible studies so that at the end of 5 years all would read through the Bible. Into this mix we put in exegesis techniques, ecclesiology, pastoral care, apologetics. So inessence the Boys Brigade beoce some kind of boot camp for ministers. So at graduation they are all ready to lead a small church should the need arise. In addition to that guitar lessons are geared towards worship instead of cosy bonfire sing-a-longs. They do this in madrasahs and religious schools. So why can't we?
That is for whatever future eventualities. So in addition to swimming badges we have counselling badges, apologetics badges and so on.
Nut for the time and now we must make ourselves useful so we can touch the lives of epople. First Aid is a must, learning to cut grass, build toilets, and all other things to that can help people and at the same time show them God's love. We already have an organisation so now it is. Gotta go now but I will continue tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

hi guo jeng, this is sieh jin.
were you a boys brigader yrself? if not, how can u say they'r just a social club? i've friends who accepted Christ in BB n they might not take kindly to your comments.
BB as you envision it is exclusively for christians, that is,to build them up as leaders. as it is now, their focus is to attract non-christians and provide a conducive environment for those who are seeking, to come to saving knowledge of Christ; n for those who aren't seeking, to catch some glimpses of evidence that they should be. (if i'm not mistaken, that's the point of it la).
besides, with an overtly christian emphasis like that BB would undoubtedly be outlawed in places like malaysia. that wouldn't work, right?
and finally, i don't think it would really be fair to any organization to hijack and transmogrify it like that. it was originally began for a purpose and still runs today for a purpose...maybe not the purpose you think best, but still...
doesn't the Church exist to do all the stuff u mentioned? get the youth felowships to work properly, sounds like a more viable option to me. afterall i'm a product of SWMC MYF n church.
God bless. keep the wheels in yr head turning.

LL said...

Wow Sieh Jin.Thanks for your insight.:)Always good to hear opinions from two sides of the coin!I like BOTH your views (SJin and GJeng).Training young people for the end-time church...excellent stuff,but it may all be in the HEAD til the young people are thrown out into the world for their faith to be tested and purified.At the moment,young people who actually HAVE that kind of HEART and Dedication for missions and the end-time harvest are a rare species,and I don't think training in a revolutionaized Boys Brigade,OR any other church-organised society will instil that kind of divine DRIVE!It'll all be KNOWLEDGE in the head - and the Bible says somewhere.."Knowledge puffs up"... end times..God's going to pour His Spirit on all people (young,old,babies,beggars,prostitutes,repented murderers,despised people,ALL walks of life,especially the "nobodies") - and He'll raise them up to do mighty things for Him... coz who will get the glory,except God?Whereas for people like us.. loads of Bible knowledge inside our heads from conferences,camps,Bible school,courses,etc... we have to guard against becoming prideful on our knowledge, and forget to always be humble and have a teachable heart. OH.. that we may keep one another accountable on this aspect..! Apostle Paul liked to use these terms... "I am the LEAST of the apostles.." .. or "I am the WORST of sinners"... not false humility.. but always having that broken & contrite spirit.We are nothing without God!

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