12 Jan 2005

It is almost certain that when Spetember 11 happened,
Some Achenese was reaing about it in the news and pitying all who died little did he know that 3 years later on Decmber 26th he would be the object of pity for either he died or lost everything. People die everyday of unnatural deaths...fire, accidents, poisoning,acts of God...and yet they escape our notice save for a short mention in the papers.
This is not to denigrate the suffering of the tsunami victims but it so happened that God allow the Angel Of Death to harvest so many souls at the same time that somehow it moves us to part money, time, effort and prayer but even everyday someone dies of a heart attack..we don't notice or donate anything..but he may leave behind widow, orphans struggling to survive....people are still dying in Sudan and all parts of the world lest we forget..now we must not and even after the tsunami of 2004 is forgotten like the Bangladeshi cyclone of 1991 and other disasters..we must always be acutely aware that this im-perfect world will not find true peace until the Prince of Peace is King and all is His footstool..to imagine that there willl be utopia is naive...after this we must be ready for the next big one..it WILL happen...don't be shocked..though man is expert are forgetting unpleasant memories.

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