28 Feb 2007

A vision of future education

Nowadays we have choose between two extremes,
Either too much spoon-feeding and have all our ideas dictated to us by the professors or too much self-directed learning with no guidance whatsoever to the extent that students grow too much like weeds. I propose to remedy this problem by converting lectures into debate sessions between professors of differing point of view. Students are presented with the facts and an idea of what is important to know but they make the synthesis and decisions of what to believe themselves.
Take for example there are many differing views as to how teaching should be done in universities as the above. Instead of forcing students to be captive audience we should have professors duking it out with proofs and rebuttals. The only weakness would be that the more eloquent person will influence more people at the expense of truth but this is preferable than to have indoctrinated people. If people can't be taught to value substance over style and think for themselves then they probably can't succeed in whatever system.

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