27 Sept 2006

controlling the price of sugar? ridiculous..on one hand you are trying to get mamaks to reduce the sugar they put in their products and people to take less sugar so that there will be less cases of diabetes and on the other you are trying to keep the price of sugar artificially low....sure it wins elections but who is going to pay for health care when half the nation is diabetic?...the quickest way to reduce the amount of sugar in products and help people live a healthier lifestyle is to make something more expensive...like with cigarettes and alcohol... if they use this rationale to impose sin taxes why can't they just let market forces determine the price of sugar...why intervene to bring down the price of something that is bad for health? Sugar is definitely killing more people than cigarettes but of course lung cancer is a more glamourous disease...the worse thing is they are killed slowly so the health cost is high..whereas in lung cancer you are dead within the year....when sugar is more expensive people will use less sugar and innovative mooncake makers will won't be making mooncakes that are toos weet and before you know it they will be making mooncake for diabetics so those poor old folks won't miss out on the fun.

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