16 Oct 2004

Hell; sometime in the future,
Stalin: Never thought I would share the same hotel suite as you?
Hitler: You think I want to. Come on killing 6 million Jews and sending the world into its most violent war ever should have gave me a room closer to Satan's.
Stalin: Child's play. I shoulc have had a bigger room for I've starved millions more to death than you..the very people I had sworned to protect...so not only am I a bigger arse-hole. I am a liar.
Hitler and Stalin: What are you here for?
John Kerry: Responsibility for and connivance in the murder of 30 million innocent babes by virtue of selecting liberal judges that ensured Roe vs. Wade had at least another 30 years of life. I can't say any of them deserve to die except they were an incovenience to their mothers and fathers and their immoral lives. This was as president. I am responsible for more if you count my support for abortion as Senator.
Hitler and Stalin gawked...there was no argument...who was worse....they both took off their hats to Kerry and bowed and pointed him to Satan's inner chamber in the Lake of Fire Hilton.
So for the sake of the nation of America and also John Kerry's soul( you are doing Kerry a favour if you love him so much), vote Bush. Everytime Kerry invokes God's name or says he is a Christian I fell like puking. What do you mean you don't want to impose your faith on others? Just as thinking that the Jews were pigs and the Slavs were subhuman, doesn't give the Nazis the right to kill them so also thinking that foetuses are not humans make them any less so. You kill a chimpanzee and the left-wing liberals will have you by the throat and this because the chimp hshare 99.9% of our genome. Now a foetus is 100% human in genome but that still don't get as much protection as a chimp.
If we use the Holocaust as an analogy, it would like Kerry saying he won't do anything to stop the Nazis because they don't believe killing Jews is murder. Murder is murder: the taking of a life that from a being who when given a choice will not choose to have his or her life taken. Now foetuses can't express their will and want to give a shot at this miserable human existence or a two year old child for that matter but does that mean they want to be killed. You can tell them that life is not worth it and it is miserable and try to discourage them from living ( if there is some way that they can choose and make a decision and make it known to us) but an overwhelming majority will still want to live. That is human nature. Guess why is everyone trying to get federal-funding for stem-cell research? Because they don't want to die if they get a terminal disease like Alzheimer and want to extend the span on this miserable earth for as long as they can. We want to live even if this mean killing another person. Why do adults scramble for life-boats on a sinking ship without regard for children even if they had a fuller life than a child? We want to live. But it is not these people we remember, in fact we revile them but those who rose above the base instincts and gave their place to a child these people we remember eventhough they are no more. Same rule applies to stem cell.
But back to abortion. Abortion is different from all other issues Christians are worried about. Senator Kerry, I address you; global warming doesn't kill quite as much innocents even famine happens because of it, the blame still lies not with emission but with rich nation refusing to open their grain stores and getting enough; war in Iraq, God has used war as punishment and to set history back in the right cause..all peace except the peace brought by Prince of Peace when He is enthroned except willed by God is of a Satanic and demonic nature. I do not claim to know the mind of God and Iraq may not be God's will but one thing I know abortion is definitely not in His will; capital punishment is again can be argued as murder the taking one's life when that person is not willing to give up his or her life. In the magnitude of scale and evil one cannot compare abortion to other issues.
If you are Roman Catholic as you claim, them you would believe that abortion is murder, a man that has no moral fortitude to stop the murder of millions even though he knows AND believes it is murder has no right to be leader of a nation. You will be reviled as the Vatican was for not stopping the murder of Jews maybe not by left-wingers, maybe not in this life..but by the God whom you claim to believe in!
Telling a foetus AND God that abortion is between the woman, God and the doctor, is an insult to both and close to blasphemy as though God will say yes,( Though I believe and again I do not know the mind of God except that which the Scripture reveals and Kerry quotes copiously[ many times out of context] but in the case in which the death of both foetus and mother the mother will be given priority for she can produce many more children yet in the case of either foetus or mother..it will be the foetus as this new life has as much potetial to bring life as themother.) is about as comforting as telling a Jew that is between Hitler, the executioner and God as though will agree to the massacre of the apple of His eye.
Even if the foetus only is one tenth of a human, with the rate of abortions in the USA even by the most conservative( or should I say most liberal because only the liberals will agree to the smaller number in ths case) estimate would mean the death of 80 000 humans in a year. Now this is more than those who died in Iraq, Sudan, floods related to global warming, and inequality in the past TWO years.
Calling all Christian veterinarian out there, in the US and the world who believe abortion is murder and are angered when pro-choicers say the foetus is not a human life. Don't kill abortionist as it will win the more sympathy and our contempt This is what you do. Three of you should ban together. Look for a pregnant animal preferably a very endangered species( like a Black Rhinoceros) because the most endangered the more publicity you will get. Perform an abortion on it( Yes, it is cruel but remember humans have dominion over animals and the life on animal is less important than one of a human and also the communion between God and man[ sacrifice was about this idea]). Then get arrested. Preferably this should be done in some US zoo because it is US laws we are trying to mock. In courts, since you have three vets you can claim that it was done to save the life the animal. As in human abortions, all you need two doctors( who can be paid to say whatever the patient wants). This is to proof the folly of this so-called safety mechanism to prevent trivial abortions. Then you go for the kill. Since the foetus of the animal is not that animal you are not guilty of killing an endangered species and can only charged with breaking into the zoo. This will smash the argument that a human foetus is not human. Always remember to make reference to human abortions so that it will be news to the world. IF the prosecution said that the mother have no choice in this, retort that animal can't speak and because it can't speak like the human foetus it has NO rights. The folly of pro-choicers will be revealed for all to see and the bias media will try to dumb it down but make sure you have a lot of attention-seeking stunts! A few in jail but the lives of millions saved. To those who take up this challenge thank you and when I graduate in a few 2007 my friends and I will support your family monetary-wise and in whatever way we can should be imprisoned. I am not satying thins but this is a bit hard but you can trust my word..if only I can prove it to you...how I wish....
Anyway I wish I was able to finish the whole piece before the lecture started now I seemed to be a bit stuck. Got something about penal battalions that I have been developing and also lamenting the fact that super-long blogs like this don't really attract much readers who are out there.
Oh yes back to Kerry. Senator you once quote this against Bush but I find this more apt FOR you. Faith without works is dead. So what is your faith, Senator? What is it called? Orthodox Christianity according to the Roman Catholic branch or Eviscerated Christianity with only whatever suits you? You can only choose one, sir. If you believe that abortion is murder and do nothing to stop it isn't that faith without works? True Bush too have many other sins like the death penalty, war in Iraq and so on. But again we looking at the lesser of two evils. Millions against thousands and what more all your victims are innocent. Senator, should you be elected president you will break promises and that is fine but one that you MUST break is the upholding Roe vs. Wade. There must be a control to the madness! Just a because my neighbour is upsetting my mental health and destroying my chance of getting a good medical degree, doesn't mean I have right to kill him. unless he is endangering my life. Same for abortion if you can see the analogy, sir. Sir, please before remove the plank from your own eyes before youtry to pick the sawdust off President Bush's eyes. I have thought of supporting you sir but I can't be party to the murder of millions and still call myself Christian though millions of Christians in America seem to be able to sleep well.
Just one note sir. Had not Saddam bribed the French, Germans, and Russians, the war in Iraq would have UN authority then what are you going to use as your platform?
Well the Us elections wouldn't be as an emotional reason if is wasn't fears for the age and health of the 4 Supreme Court judge. Kerry if elected president from the looks of things will be a one-term president. At worse it will be two 8 years but Supreme Court justices are for life, that means 20 even 30 years! You know for such important people who can strike down laws with Senate and House of Representative majority and also Presidential endorsement( you know which on e I am referring to) they should be elected not appointed. Hey if Kerry only appoints Liberal candidates and IF he becomes president also all the other judges of all level( thus the pool for SC appointments)then Roe vs Wade will not have a chance to be contained.
More on abortion. It is illegal in Ireland so then if you are interested in doing Obgyn you can be sure it won't be part of the curricula if you come here to study. So come to Ireland to study Obgyn! There might be the mention though but it won't done as part of the practicals.
Yeah, I just thought of this. If a girl has been taught that abortion is not so much about rights but murder she is less likely to resort to it. This thing about the foetus being not human is part of the ploy to get people accept abortion is OK. It reminded me of the propaganda of Goebbels that said Jews are not humans and cite 'scientific' proofs. If the Nazis cannot have a choice to murder Jews so also people to murder babies! In the case of rape and incest. I know this is hard, but just as giving the death penalty to the offender will not solve anything so also killing the child which is part of you. I can't understand why Democrats would oppose the death penalty but not abortion and the foetus is not even the perpetrator! We can make a video you know where there is this voice narrating( aborted foeutus voice) telling about mum's rape and ending with what have I done? Abortion won't unrape the woman.
In closing I think I have spoken too much. The Democrats were on the wrong end during the slavery issue in the 1860's I guess they are at the wrong end today on the issue of abortion.


Anonymous said...

that's a powerful post right there!!

it was so powerful that I've 'stolen' it and pasted it on my site!!!!

cheers! ian

LL said...

Wah. Very passionate views here!Don't be embarassed,coz they're excellent views.
I'm still mulling over the phrase you used, "the lesser of 2 evils".. is there such a thing?If we were to think that way.. then a child rapist deserves a heavier punishment in God's eyes than a person who lied that he was sick,when he wasn't. But I think... the verse "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" hits home here even more... I attended half of ALPHA course before, and Nicky Gumbel was explaining on how we humans like to grade things... or measure things.... E.g. if there was such a scale to measure "holiness/being good".. well, at the top of the scale would be selfless people like Mother Teresa who gave her whole life in comforting the lowliest of the lows... and at the bottom of the scale would be child rapists and serial killers, perhaps.. But God's HIGHEST standard of Holiness is IMMEASURABLE (i.e. infinite..can't be measured). After all, He IS an infinite God! So, maybe I'm being extreme in saying this.. but.. if we were to judge John Kerry and Bush... and compare their acts to which is the lesser of evils.. well... isn't it just using this on a measurable human mortal scale... and forgetting God's scales of Holiness? They all need God! We all need God! In discussing all this,thanks for reminding me to pray for these important people in the U.S...

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