Ahhhh the world,
I had some friends over the yesterday and I cooked some simple home-cooked Malaysian fare or something that vaguely resemble Malaysian food given the lack of ingredients. We had fried rice, mince beef stir-fried with ginger and spring onions, and of course my signature mince pork steamed omelette. They enjoyed it( I hope).
Anyway enough of that and back to my ideas..hhehehe( so hedonistic).. lots of things in my head.
To all my readers from the US( I don't think there are any actually) please please vote George Bush. George Bush is our one best chance to put some control in this madness called Roe vs. Wade. Even if a Fetus is one tenth of a human, it still amounts to 130 000 a year which more than number of casualties in Iraq and Sudan combined for the pass TWO years! "I won't be sending forces to Sudan because the military is over-stretched" my foot..you only 5 000 to stabilise Sudan that was the numbered they ask for in Rwanda 10 years ago. Pulling out of Somalia condemned Somalia to another 10 years of civil war. So if you Americans can sleep well at night and not get nightmares and still have the gall not to hang yourself or blow your brains for letting this happen eventhough you have the most pwerful, modern and best equipped military in the world then be my guest and vote John Kerry.
I came to realise that David didn't believe in a life after death, read his Psalms and you see what I mean..like why would he say the dead cannot praise God? Rather than seeing this as the lack of unity in theology I see it as God does not reveal all his plans at once so when Jesus came he told us tat there is a heaven and Hell and later John was shown the lake of fire. We will not have all the answers but in due time we will know what will happen to aborted foetuses, babies, and people who have never heard IF we keep the faith. God reveals piece by piece. Even David without hope still cling to God even in his mind the wicked goes unpunished if they are not punished in this life.
I have been thinking about setting up new kind of Christian University. In this uni the entry requirements for courses will not be how well you score though a certain level of aptitude is required but how much you plan to serve. So the person with less than straight A's but has a heart to go to Trashcanistan and serve the poor will get the place over the the straight A's kid who wants be a doctor to finance his Mercedes and bungalow loan. The curricula will also have components in apologetics and theology and skills neccessary for missions. SO basiccaly it is a missionary production line rather than a production line for producing job-market people. Since I am in this line I will outline some of my fantasies for the medical course.
So you have the basic pre-clinical stuff but there will be plenty of missionary skills thrown in and for the clinical( which is my favourite part) we pack our bags and go to some really deprived area like Burundi where the students will have plenty opportunity to practise their skills without the fear of being sued but get thanks not matter how well the job was done because some help is better than no help. In fact given the shortage in Burundi( They have only 1 doctor for every 100 thousand persons!) I don't think they mind 150 greensticks practising their history-taking, suturing and setting skills. Though there might be a problem as they speak French but then again there is always other Commonwealth nations that have a dire need. Better a bone set but not exactly align than totally not set, right? I think some may differ on this point. Haha...even before these kids graduate they are already contributing and getting valuable training and practise at the same time. Oenthing though their lecturers and clinical tutors will also have to be on the field. Given that the previous generation was not selelcted on this criteria we might have more of a problem here. But I am sure we can cobble something together. MSF might help..I hope... you got to have field experience( I don't expect someone with tests always available can learn to improvise so quickly) and you got to be there at least 3 years and after that you can't just leave as by then you will be experienced tutor. Anyway the pay will also suck and I don't know whether the Malaysian government( they get very little benefit except from those who will got o Sabah but people will be posted proportionally according to global need) will support this venture and funding from the UN will take forever so unless some billionaire leaves us a lot of money it will take some time to get going but looking for lecturers will be more difficult. Lecturers in Dublin have their own lucrative practises but not the field MO in Burundi so how do you get the applicant for a job that don't pay well or at all but guarantees the satisfaction improving whole health syatems( 70 doctors going to serve in Burundi will improve the health system there by 100%!) and training future Livingstones.. SO I hope that there will be a new breed of medical lecturers that will staff the medical faculty of this uni.
1 comment:
hi guo jeng. it's sieh jin again.
how sure are you that david didn't believe in the afterlife? take a look at psalm 49. oh, but it's not by david, it's by the sons of Korah. but anyway, it doesn't seem to endorse the idea of life after death either (v12:but man,despite his riches, does not endure; he is like the beasts that perish). but there's one verse that gives hint of it, v15: but God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself. i'm not sure whether any of David's psalms have similar hints.
i like your ideas about the Christian uni. but aren't there already christian unis? would it be more efficient to sell yr ideas to the ppl in charge of those unis (presumably if they're christians they'll at least listen) rather than starting a whole new one?... souinds more plausible than hijacking the BB to me.
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