1 Oct 2004

Why are people corrupt? Why do people channel funds for developing an area to their own pocket? Why people rather drive a Mercedes that will rust than use that money and make an impact and be remembered for posterity? I cannot understand. If they be people who care, the world will have no need for humanitarian workers. Africa will be a nicer place to stay in.
Corrupt officials lead to impoverished areas and if it goes on for long enough it will spiral down to high crime rate and finally armed rebellion. Why let this happen so that he can indulge insome lust of the flesh? But when I look at Christians, we too are indulgent. How can bring ourselves to buy a new yatch when we know people are starving. It is fair you don't want your money to go the coffers of corrupt people but why not do something yourself. Ok no need to go to Africa how about your local urban poor outreach. Why are ministries so understaffed and under-funded, why are full-time servants of God under-paid. Don't give CEO salaries but at least afford their children decent education. The next generation must look beyond creature comfort and divert extra resources to building the kingdom. Don't neglect yourself but I find it very hard to justify buying an S-class when an E-class or Wira will do. I guess we say we will not be like that corrupt official but if we placed in His shoes without the love of God we will fall like him.
I was thinking if we can cultivate a service economy at refugee camps people slives will be better but most of the time they have no service to offer except farming which they can't do because they are displaced from their fields. Teach them to be barbers, potters, and allsorts of other things. What will be for currency? Extra food. There must be excess. At long-term refugee camps except the Palestine where they still harbour fantasies of going back( will the Jews give you their high-tech farms and skyscarpers when all they took were your thorn bush farms and mud huts?), you see the development of a primitive economy that as the years goes by develop to a modern. Can't we help that development along so that it will reach a developed point faster and stronger since we have history and knowledge onour side?
In the old days a farmer produces extra and another doesn't but this one can make pots so the potter gets the extra food by selling the pots and he spend this to get mats. Later the food was represented by money. To work there must be different skills, people are willing to spend and food security so they will spend that extra grain. This is how we should approach refugee camps. This skills can used even after they have returned and definitely will decrease reliance on one trade, farming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your ideas are great!:)Keep it up.

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