Hello all,
I will be having an exam next week so I guess I won't be blogging so much until but still need to unload some ideas.
This is not a new one but it will be the first time I am unloading it on this blog and it has to do with penal battalions. During the World Wars, alot of time tactics include runningas fast as you can across a mine-laden field. To reduce casualties among their trained soldiers they used prisoners and felons in the first so they will clear up the fields. In the Second World war the Germans developed this concept because of the lack of manpower into one where disgraced soldiers( deserters, cowards) can redeem themselves. Now the how many doctors, accountants and professionals have disgraced themselves? Thousands and what happens? They rot in jail when they can be used to logisticians and manpower for humanitarian organisations. Since the aid world is always lacking in manpower why not take advantage of this situation.
Ohh don't worry about them running away. If they don't speak the language, have no idea of the culture and survival skills they won't last long in the trek from the heart of Africa to their homes! Since tax-payers are supporting them why not make them do something useful and make the tax-payers feel good about themselves!
reading about how the Greeks made war. so got history lesson in how people become kings and how other people end doing things for them and how this privileged position will more or less be envied by others and all sorts of power struggle will happen and how in the end normal people will still do everything for them even if they don't deserve it..actually the Bible and how Saul's appointment is very accurate..kind of wonder why people want a king but when there are crisis it does help to have someone unite everyone and to blame if it doesn't turn out well.
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