Wow I haven't been blogging in a while,
But then again my exams are in less than four weeks time so I have to study.
Someone recently asked me if there are any reasons I support Bush other than because of the abortion issue. Well I have and this is because I am unlike most people who oppose Bush because I have more than one reason but I don't have all the time in the world and of course my major is medicine and not politics so I couldn't expound all of them but I will give you a summary.
One, Bush is a friend of Israel. Malaysian media is biased and that is why you will never hear the full story but if you go online or even read the Bible you will realise that the and belong to the Jews. The Palestinians were suppose to stop the suicide bombings once the Israelis move out of Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinians have no excuse because all except Hizbollah is under PLO which is the umbrella body and if the Palestinians really plan to stop the suicide bombers they can because they have the intelligence. So they did not honour their side of thier deal and still expect Israel to treat them nicely. Arabs can live in Israel in peace but look at the settlers in Gaza and the West Bank....continually under threat this is why Israel have no choice but to send in tanks to protect them. Even when Israel want to pull out of Gaza they launch suicide attacks to make it look like a retreat eventhough this make Israelis unsupportive of the plan. Bush pushed the bias Roadmap to peace aside and say that he will not expect Israel to give further concessions until the Palestinians regconise the right of Israel to exist and stop the attacks. I saw this today....The Palestinians claim Jerusalem is theirs but it is they are the last to conquer it but that would mean the rest of the land belong to Israel because they were the last to conquer...if the land goes to the people who originally settle in the area..we can only conclude the Israelites because the rest of the peoples are gone and Arabs only came to that place after the Jews were driven out...
Secondly Bush is a free-trader. While Kerry to penalise companies for out-sourcing. Out-sourcing means sending jobs to places where there are cheaper labour. Now if this happens place like China and India will collapse even Malaysia because there is so much direct foreign investment coming because of out-sourcing. With Kerry he is going to penalise them until it is cheaper to keep the jobs in the US. Now this not only bad for us but the US because this is very unproductive and with Americans they must be paid American wages. People will have jobs but the won'y be abble to afford anything because well everything is so expensive.
Thirdly, Bush is willing to finish the job no dare to undertake, he is willing to fight the Islamic fundamentalist. Do you think for a moment if we left them alone they will leave us alone? September 11th happened eventhough the Americans did for the Palestinians what three pan-Arab invasions couldn't do: secure land for the Palestinian state and yet they were attcked. It was then that Bush took a hardline against them before that the Americans were happy to live as they were. Now even if the Jews were removed from Israel( something that will not happen), do you think the fundamentalist won't pull out all the stops and try to reestablish their caliphate. You read it even in Berita Harian all this talk about returning to glory days.
Fourth Bush do things. For two decades the South Sudan was persecuted and guess who are the people who forced the Notherners to the peace table. Bush launched a 15 billion dollar anti-Aids initiative in Africa something that Clinton never did. Clinton pulled out of Somalia condenming it to 10 more years of civil war. Recently Somalia elected an interim president the first leader in more than 13 years and it wasn't Malaysians who made this happen but the US! Hey Afghanistan had its first elections and girls are now going to school, the reason you don't hear anymore news coming from Afghanistan is because the US intervention is working now this is something that 10 years of OIC mediation never achieved.
Bush is not perfect and there are thing that I would like him to do better but he is better than what Kerry has to offer and don't give me that peace thing( Keery voted for the Iraq war for heaven's sake) and of course much better than anyone in the way I don't rate Malaysians as very intelligent people or very informed except for Yew Kong and Li Yit..the rest are just people good at memorising books...OK this is bias but you get my drift and of course there are othe smart people.
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