On solving the public transportation system,
There have been many suggestions but most include planning done by the government and operation or something by government. Since when did the government become an expert in public transportation. Conspicuously missing are the opinions the many thousands of people who make sure hundreds of thousands of school children reach school and back on an almost daily basis, the operators of school buses. This is one of the few areas that the free market is allow to work itself out and as you can see thousands reach school and home on time at affordable prices and it rarely ever fails. How much more can you for a public transport system. From the aunty who has an extra space in her car to the company with many buses they can tell you a thing or two about competitive pricing, punctuality, route routing, and other details that only many years in the industry will that bureacrats with MBA's don't learn from business schools.
These operators know that if they don't use the most efficient route, don't come on time, don't charge the lowest price possible, don't have comfortable buses(as in the mind of the consumer), have buses that breakdown or if they are too greedy and try to cover too many stops of routes the end up not serving the customer well and they will lose money because they always have competttion to take the business away from them. This is something that bus companies who have monopoly of a route will never understand.
So instead of spending millions to research the best possible routes and pump money in why not just use the knowledge and expertise that is already there. Ah Heng the 'bas sekolah' man knows where the most kids who take his bus lives. And so he will also know where people most likely take public trasnport live and where they want to go.
So the solution: Anyone who wants to be involved in the business after being registered they can and there should absolutely no government telling of where they should go or any intervention at all. They only follow the money because the money is where the consumers are.
30 Dec 2006
23 Dec 2006
On pharmaceutical companies,
We like to complain of biopiracy when a pharmaceutical company uses the knowledge of a local, who just so happened to discover the medicinal properties of a plant because he sat on it, to identify the the active chemical compound, look for an efficient way to mass produce it, hire clinicians to initiate first phase and all the subsequent phases of clinical research, buld factories to make sure the drug reaches all and basically psend many millions to to produce something that is effective most of the time and prove that it is not just from the placebo affect. I don't there is great injustice if that person only got twenty cents because he merely sat on it compared to amount of other work put in.
Same thing with oil and tin if it was not for the Brits coming in and showing us how to use it would probably still sit int he ground. Alright exaggeration, sure the tin would have been used to make decorative objects of no significant value compared to its anti-corrosive properties used in the canning industry which enabled food to be stored for a long time.
If we are so worried about biopiracy( in fact it is not) adn so confident of Tongkat Ali and all the rest why don't we don't take half the money meant for the new palace complex and set up a pharmaceutical company that explore the potential with all the latest equipment. Since we have the manpower but not the infrastructure. And if the enterpirse fail well at least the research centre which will be of greater use to more people than a palace for a precious few. Tourist? Come on, if they wanted to see palaces and castles they would have gone to Europe where there are better-designed, maintained, authentic and actually ancient palaces with rich histories. A research centre may produce soemthing one day, a place never will unless by stroke of luck the next Einstein is pbron there but in a world of probability success with the research centre( part of the pharmaceutical company) is more likely.
We like to complain of biopiracy when a pharmaceutical company uses the knowledge of a local, who just so happened to discover the medicinal properties of a plant because he sat on it, to identify the the active chemical compound, look for an efficient way to mass produce it, hire clinicians to initiate first phase and all the subsequent phases of clinical research, buld factories to make sure the drug reaches all and basically psend many millions to to produce something that is effective most of the time and prove that it is not just from the placebo affect. I don't there is great injustice if that person only got twenty cents because he merely sat on it compared to amount of other work put in.
Same thing with oil and tin if it was not for the Brits coming in and showing us how to use it would probably still sit int he ground. Alright exaggeration, sure the tin would have been used to make decorative objects of no significant value compared to its anti-corrosive properties used in the canning industry which enabled food to be stored for a long time.
If we are so worried about biopiracy( in fact it is not) adn so confident of Tongkat Ali and all the rest why don't we don't take half the money meant for the new palace complex and set up a pharmaceutical company that explore the potential with all the latest equipment. Since we have the manpower but not the infrastructure. And if the enterpirse fail well at least the research centre which will be of greater use to more people than a palace for a precious few. Tourist? Come on, if they wanted to see palaces and castles they would have gone to Europe where there are better-designed, maintained, authentic and actually ancient palaces with rich histories. A research centre may produce soemthing one day, a place never will unless by stroke of luck the next Einstein is pbron there but in a world of probability success with the research centre( part of the pharmaceutical company) is more likely.
On books and culture,
Malaysian complain that books are too expensive. Instead of seeing this as a problem we should look at it as opportunity and a niche. Instead of the government pumping money to subsidise books (though I support tax rebate for buying books however the money shouldn't tax in the first place. When money goes to the government then comes back to you some of it is lost because of postage and administration cost so it actually a waste). This is what they should do take some of the money and use it as loan money to set two or three competing press. This press will print books by local authors and university professors. I am sure because it is locally printed and the cost of living and wage demands of the professors are so much lower it would be easier to produce textbooks that are cheaper for the local undergraduate.
Given the choice I think people would prefer to own an original rather than photostated copies of the originals if the original is only marginally more expensive. The competition between presses will ensure they get the best writers and offer value for money to the consumer and since it is a loan it will ensure the people taking it will work hard as they have to repay the government. And why is that so because it is a potentially lucrative business that require quite a large capital. I would prefer to have it raised in the market but then again Malaysians aren't exactly informed investors and quite risk averse. So if government intervention is needed it is here but then again it is limited. It basically involves loaning the money and asking it back and the rest of the of the time the government can shove it.
How sure are you Guo Jeng that it will work? Well if you look at Sasbadi, Preston, Pelangi, and Fajar Bakti..you will realise that these guys produced books that have virtually displaced government sanctioned textbooks even the teachers don't use the official textbook anymore..it is only used as a reference as to what the syllabus is. And why is this? This is because these books are better. Another reason why there should be less government intervention. People always choose the best for themselves and do not need the government to tell what to buy. They should scrap the official textbooks and just publish booklets as to what is needs to be convered for the exams. Save money for everyone. The only losers are the cronies with the government contracts.
I just wonder why don't they publish textbooks for the local undergraduate. It is something they can go into? Is it there is no market? Or do the undergraduates only read powerpoint presentations of their lecturers which is plagiarise from some western textbook?
But this globalization isn't it? Easy access to foreign textbooks and knowledge. Where is the complaint about cultural imperialism? Superior cultures deserve to subjugate inferior ones. In fact inferior ones should be discarded and the best of superior ones minus their weaknesses be absorbed. There is no such thing as traditional culture that is essential to identity. Look at Japanese and Korean culture absorbing Chinese culture to the environment and needs. It doesn't make their culture any less unique or original. In fact they have expanded and improve on certain aspects and in turn it has influenced the mainland. Defending inferior cultures because it is traditional is for the feeble. Though what constitute superior culture wshould be vigourously debated and not be dictated and it only in the arguments and debates that weaknesses and strenght can be identified.
Malaysian complain that books are too expensive. Instead of seeing this as a problem we should look at it as opportunity and a niche. Instead of the government pumping money to subsidise books (though I support tax rebate for buying books however the money shouldn't tax in the first place. When money goes to the government then comes back to you some of it is lost because of postage and administration cost so it actually a waste). This is what they should do take some of the money and use it as loan money to set two or three competing press. This press will print books by local authors and university professors. I am sure because it is locally printed and the cost of living and wage demands of the professors are so much lower it would be easier to produce textbooks that are cheaper for the local undergraduate.
Given the choice I think people would prefer to own an original rather than photostated copies of the originals if the original is only marginally more expensive. The competition between presses will ensure they get the best writers and offer value for money to the consumer and since it is a loan it will ensure the people taking it will work hard as they have to repay the government. And why is that so because it is a potentially lucrative business that require quite a large capital. I would prefer to have it raised in the market but then again Malaysians aren't exactly informed investors and quite risk averse. So if government intervention is needed it is here but then again it is limited. It basically involves loaning the money and asking it back and the rest of the of the time the government can shove it.
How sure are you Guo Jeng that it will work? Well if you look at Sasbadi, Preston, Pelangi, and Fajar Bakti..you will realise that these guys produced books that have virtually displaced government sanctioned textbooks even the teachers don't use the official textbook anymore..it is only used as a reference as to what the syllabus is. And why is this? This is because these books are better. Another reason why there should be less government intervention. People always choose the best for themselves and do not need the government to tell what to buy. They should scrap the official textbooks and just publish booklets as to what is needs to be convered for the exams. Save money for everyone. The only losers are the cronies with the government contracts.
I just wonder why don't they publish textbooks for the local undergraduate. It is something they can go into? Is it there is no market? Or do the undergraduates only read powerpoint presentations of their lecturers which is plagiarise from some western textbook?
But this globalization isn't it? Easy access to foreign textbooks and knowledge. Where is the complaint about cultural imperialism? Superior cultures deserve to subjugate inferior ones. In fact inferior ones should be discarded and the best of superior ones minus their weaknesses be absorbed. There is no such thing as traditional culture that is essential to identity. Look at Japanese and Korean culture absorbing Chinese culture to the environment and needs. It doesn't make their culture any less unique or original. In fact they have expanded and improve on certain aspects and in turn it has influenced the mainland. Defending inferior cultures because it is traditional is for the feeble. Though what constitute superior culture wshould be vigourously debated and not be dictated and it only in the arguments and debates that weaknesses and strenght can be identified.
21 Dec 2006
What is Malaysia's rank currently in football?
Currently we are 152. What does this mean? Well it means Rwanda a nation that experienced genocide and has one doctor per one hundred thousand people is ranked higher than us at 121. I am not saying football rankings is more important than healthcare but shouldn't it mean that with superior healthcare our athletes should be healthier and have superior performance? By the way Rwanda's population is about 9 million only. Iraq at number 83 is a wartorn country or at least that is what the media want us to believe. What does this mean? Does it mean the United States of America have to invade us for out teams to improve? We are definitely richer than most of the countries that is ranked above us so what is our problem?
I am led to believe it is too much government intervention. Who controls the the Football teams playing in the Malaysian League? The State Football associations. In fact most of the football players can be considered civil servants. If you look at the powerhouses fo the world from Brazil to the most lucrative league in the world they have free competition. Anyone can form a football club and if you play well you can progress from the Confederation League all the way to the Premiership and if you don't do well you will be relegated. Look at the MyTeam which came so close to beating the national under-21. What is more remarkable is they have only been playing together for a month and they are amateurs who work by day as a roti canai seller or something. Who do they consist of? The best Shebby and Jason can find. No regard for race, politics, or connection. Sadly the momentum is lost but we should more teams like Myteam and they can play in a whatever league they want.
For those who are race-conscious and are worried that if we allow people to form the teams they want wouldn't it affect the muhibbah spirit. Well I have news for you. In a competitive league where money is important to the owner and victory to the fans there is no place for preferential treatment or any prejudice. Even if you start with an all-Chinese team reality will set in and before long just to satisfy both fans and owner, it will only consist of the best. No Arsenal fan will complain about the team being mostly African or Frenchmen of African descent no matter how rascist they are off the pitch. They only want to win and the players play their best because their rice bowl depend on it. Look at the M league the players still get paid no matter how empty the stadium. In England their pay is the a function of stadium attendance and number of people who watch them on television.
Well you may say that with all these money flooding in it cause the high stake sort of environment that lead to diving. Well the problem can be solved first by breaking tradition and allowing referees to assisted by video replay and most importantly when the fans will have nothing to do with it. That is they are more interested in seeing smooth play than winning. However if they don't that is their choice it is their money and time and not yours. If you don't like it go and go select a league that plays more to your idea of the spirit of the game probably the Somalian National League or something where they play not for nmoney but for the love of the game( You have to really love it, it is banned under pains of death in Mogadishu). I believe a Maradona will emerge and no matter how hard he is tackled he can still run and score a goal and when that happens men of greater talent will stop diving.
Well then what about all those teams with big money won't they crowd out the smaller ones. My answer to that is Malaysia will take quite a bit of time to reach that level but when we do reach that level it is important that we maintain a free entry into leagues. That is to say anyone who can get 10 other persons to play with him regularly will not be hindered in trying to join a league and if there be a thousand team then they shall play off one another to get promotion up to the third then second and finally premier league. This is situation is of course impossible as there are only a certain number of people good enough to play and has that amount of dedication and before you know it all the teams will be merging to make up for each other's lack and you come up with better teams. Even small teams if they train their youth well can become big money teams. Arsene Wenger spent a fraction of what Chelsea does and now all his young players are maturing and they will worth more than when he bought them. He can then either sell them so he can buy other big name players or retain them until they are of no use to use they sell them off for still a tidy profit. This economic situation forces teams to find their niche and if they can't afford open market transfer than they will stop neglecting the youth training. In the end Abrahamovitch doesn't have infinite resources and soon you will be seeing more Wenger style investment which can only bring good as it develops the younger talent.
As to foreign players I don't care if the team is one hundred percent foreign. It will make the locals work harder for a place.
Are the players payed too much? NO WAY. They are payed that much because the owners feel it is worth it and why? This is because the owners make a profit from the fans but are the fans complaining? No they are not. If they feel exploited they can stop going to matches as no one forces them to buy season tickets. Like I say the players pay is a function of attendance and if they fans say their performance is worth their time and money who am I to argue with the masses. When the fans i.e. the consumer is tired of diving let me tell you the diving will stop becasue no matter how many rules there are always ways around it. HTe acting just get better because there is an incentive to. Man work because not for the joy of it but for the incentive positive or otherwise.
Currently we are 152. What does this mean? Well it means Rwanda a nation that experienced genocide and has one doctor per one hundred thousand people is ranked higher than us at 121. I am not saying football rankings is more important than healthcare but shouldn't it mean that with superior healthcare our athletes should be healthier and have superior performance? By the way Rwanda's population is about 9 million only. Iraq at number 83 is a wartorn country or at least that is what the media want us to believe. What does this mean? Does it mean the United States of America have to invade us for out teams to improve? We are definitely richer than most of the countries that is ranked above us so what is our problem?
I am led to believe it is too much government intervention. Who controls the the Football teams playing in the Malaysian League? The State Football associations. In fact most of the football players can be considered civil servants. If you look at the powerhouses fo the world from Brazil to the most lucrative league in the world they have free competition. Anyone can form a football club and if you play well you can progress from the Confederation League all the way to the Premiership and if you don't do well you will be relegated. Look at the MyTeam which came so close to beating the national under-21. What is more remarkable is they have only been playing together for a month and they are amateurs who work by day as a roti canai seller or something. Who do they consist of? The best Shebby and Jason can find. No regard for race, politics, or connection. Sadly the momentum is lost but we should more teams like Myteam and they can play in a whatever league they want.
For those who are race-conscious and are worried that if we allow people to form the teams they want wouldn't it affect the muhibbah spirit. Well I have news for you. In a competitive league where money is important to the owner and victory to the fans there is no place for preferential treatment or any prejudice. Even if you start with an all-Chinese team reality will set in and before long just to satisfy both fans and owner, it will only consist of the best. No Arsenal fan will complain about the team being mostly African or Frenchmen of African descent no matter how rascist they are off the pitch. They only want to win and the players play their best because their rice bowl depend on it. Look at the M league the players still get paid no matter how empty the stadium. In England their pay is the a function of stadium attendance and number of people who watch them on television.
Well you may say that with all these money flooding in it cause the high stake sort of environment that lead to diving. Well the problem can be solved first by breaking tradition and allowing referees to assisted by video replay and most importantly when the fans will have nothing to do with it. That is they are more interested in seeing smooth play than winning. However if they don't that is their choice it is their money and time and not yours. If you don't like it go and go select a league that plays more to your idea of the spirit of the game probably the Somalian National League or something where they play not for nmoney but for the love of the game( You have to really love it, it is banned under pains of death in Mogadishu). I believe a Maradona will emerge and no matter how hard he is tackled he can still run and score a goal and when that happens men of greater talent will stop diving.
Well then what about all those teams with big money won't they crowd out the smaller ones. My answer to that is Malaysia will take quite a bit of time to reach that level but when we do reach that level it is important that we maintain a free entry into leagues. That is to say anyone who can get 10 other persons to play with him regularly will not be hindered in trying to join a league and if there be a thousand team then they shall play off one another to get promotion up to the third then second and finally premier league. This is situation is of course impossible as there are only a certain number of people good enough to play and has that amount of dedication and before you know it all the teams will be merging to make up for each other's lack and you come up with better teams. Even small teams if they train their youth well can become big money teams. Arsene Wenger spent a fraction of what Chelsea does and now all his young players are maturing and they will worth more than when he bought them. He can then either sell them so he can buy other big name players or retain them until they are of no use to use they sell them off for still a tidy profit. This economic situation forces teams to find their niche and if they can't afford open market transfer than they will stop neglecting the youth training. In the end Abrahamovitch doesn't have infinite resources and soon you will be seeing more Wenger style investment which can only bring good as it develops the younger talent.
As to foreign players I don't care if the team is one hundred percent foreign. It will make the locals work harder for a place.
Are the players payed too much? NO WAY. They are payed that much because the owners feel it is worth it and why? This is because the owners make a profit from the fans but are the fans complaining? No they are not. If they feel exploited they can stop going to matches as no one forces them to buy season tickets. Like I say the players pay is a function of attendance and if they fans say their performance is worth their time and money who am I to argue with the masses. When the fans i.e. the consumer is tired of diving let me tell you the diving will stop becasue no matter how many rules there are always ways around it. HTe acting just get better because there is an incentive to. Man work because not for the joy of it but for the incentive positive or otherwise.
7 Dec 2006
What is this debate about wearing veils?
I believe it is a crime against humanity that BEAUTIFUL women wear the veil. Even if they want to they should be stopped. As for the ugly ones when they wear the veil they are doing us a favour. So let us make a law: BEAUTIFUL women who wear the veil and butt ugly ones who don't will be punished severely including death for the ugly ones.
I believe it is a crime against humanity that BEAUTIFUL women wear the veil. Even if they want to they should be stopped. As for the ugly ones when they wear the veil they are doing us a favour. So let us make a law: BEAUTIFUL women who wear the veil and butt ugly ones who don't will be punished severely including death for the ugly ones.
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