Here are some ideas that was originally typed for the viewing pleausre of edmond,
titled quite unimagitively ideas for edmond.....but life is about the exchange of ideas...isn't it?
Ideas for Edmond
In this world we need ideas and they must be written down and also be discussed so that all may learn: those who heard the idea and those who originated it. Discussion either convince the originator the error or convinces him that he is essentially but must be spurred to improve upon the argument so that he may convince more than one. Below are merely seedlings that hopefully be watered and expanded upon.
For many years the government has been trying to get people to recycle but the problem is people don’t do it even millions is spend on education. There is no motivation. In psychology we learn that positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways of changing human behaviour, followed by negative reinforcement. To devise a successful recycle scheme one look no further than the old newspaper man. Even if it is only one ringgit for one months worth of newspaper people separate the rest of their trash from newspapers. There is money from cans but people deemed the petrol to bring it to the recycling centre is not worth the money. It must be made worth their time but of course that are people already separating cans in the dumpsite so that problem is settled but 70% of the trash is organic and that is what make most of the garbage stink. If we create a market for all these stuff people will collect and pay money like the old newspaper man and residents will separate it because they can make money. How much that will be determined by market forces and sometimes market forces dictate a not good enough price and this is where government come in by using its vast resources it can use the land that could have been wasted as landfill and use it to make compost. At the end of the day all projects must self-sustaining after a short period of say five years or be heading towards that. The compost will sell. At the same time chaff can be bought from farmers who burn it more to get rid of it. This will reduce pollution. We barter it with our produced compost or just use cold hard cash. Market economics to solve a daily problem.
Christians need to idealogues that is people who write down radical ideas and influence people for good. If we don’t do it, some Marx, Lenin, or Stalin will do it. They aren’t the smartest people but they are willing to give all for their ideology. If we believe in Christianity so much why aren’t we as dedicated to it as these are to their ideology.
I am not a prophet but it is possible to use human knowledge to achieve wisdom as though one is an oracle of God like Achitophel. Using human knowledge, I predict that the three gorge dam will fail and there will be floods, the Beijing Olympics will raise the unrest all around the rural areas, great floods on the Yangtze, people will rise up and few Chinese divisions will mutiny and the Communist will rule no more by 2020. An attempt to invade Taiwan might be made but will fail.
Humans seek creature comfort but to be a leader one must be able to rise above basic instincts of man instinct is not to serve but Jesus the greatest shall be the servant of all. Imagine the head of a country that does not a retinue of servant but one servant so he can concentrate on his work and dictate a million policies with out being disturbed.why so many concubines when we have strength for only one. Cost is much lower. Why live in a place when a 7 by 6 would be a bed big in enough. Much has been made a king needs glory but what is his glory except for his people healthy strong and safe and all man reaching his full potential. This is utopia but if we have a leader that cares not for his own enrichment and all that is safe is passed back to the people than truly he will be a servant of all and then a true leader.
1.3 million Arabs in Israel against 4.5 million refugees. Guess who had the higher standard of living?
People want to help all the time but most of the time is not efficient or sustainable. Therefore there should be a new approach to humanitarian aid. One of the examples is the Grameen bank. They required their borrowers to pay back their loans with interest so as to be sustainable and so other people can take loans. We must be aware just because you are poor doesn’t give you a pass for a free lunch. We must be willing to help but they in turn must do their part so that others can be helped. Anyway humanitarian organizations should be audited and compete with one another to provide the best and most efficient services. They should avoid duplication and merge so as to have the force of number. Guderian once said that you hit a man with your fist and not with your fingers spread.
Most Christians treat the call to missions as an opt in thing but it should really be opt out. The ration of people serving should be at least 1 out of twelve just the tribe of Levi was one out of twelve. I think this is the perfect ratio as it is just sustainable by the rest of the tribes. So obviously when the number serving is less than one in twelve there is a large number that is not answering their call.
Independent Sabah Sarawak will be a possibility and it can overtake the Peninsular in a short time. The reason why Singapore won out is the hemorrhage to talents there. Imagine if the Borneo states are independent and implement more free market reforms and less discriminatory policies there will loads of talent flowing there. Anyway in the predicted overthrow of the Communist and the ensuing anarchy, it will be a perfect place for the refugees. How do we do it? 300 good men are all that is needed. Doctors, teachers, engineers all posted in the interior making lives better and there will be voted into power in no time and then after preparations and seeking support for the intelligentsia in the west and also politicians call for UN referendum and then declare independence and we can give all the devil’s excrement to the Peninsular.
Have you heard of von Zizendorff? He was a rich man that gave most if not all his wealth for the extension of the kingdom of course he administered himself so that it will not go into the pockets of greedy individuals or misguided building funds.
Not many know of Zizendorff..While it is most preaching is from the Bible but preaching should be supplemented by study of the WHOLE Bible, church history and also doctrine. Not many know of their doctrine.
When one is said to be called to mission why must one think of sacrifice and suffering. If he goes alone to the middle of nowhere I guess it will be that. But if he goes as a team in a group of maybe 150 people consisting of teachers, engineers and, doctors, preachers of whatever tentmakers and their spouses not only are they more effective and cover more of the needs of the community but they able to fight loneliness and lack companionship while they adjust to the local population and of course their children will then qualify to attend the FDL University so that they will not lose out.
Here re some ideas for Proton. There are many people who can have money for something more than a bike but less than a kancil. Bike is 7K kancil. 24K. There is a gap of 17K why isn’t anyone exploiting this niche. Build a vehicle with which is safer, more powerful and more seating than a bike but less than an ordinary car….I am sure there is a market for people….the whole idea is to provide for that need. I am sure people in a family of 4 will prefer that to a bike if they can’t afford a kancil.