30 May 2005


One thing about having a pretentious name as new ideas is,
You realise quickly how pretentious it is because the new ideas after a while seem to run out. But what to do it is already called that and I think it will stay that way. Hopefully I will do more things with my life and then I will have more ideas so for you new readers out there, go and read my older works.

10 May 2005

It has been a while since I visited these parts,
Mostly because I am lazy to update and it is a momentum thing. Once you stop it takes while to get started again or never.
Well my most recent thoughts have been the Law has NO business in being compassionate, it should only just. That is it. The moment it tries being compassionate like in a welfare state there will be fraud( people trying to live off the state)...That is why in the Bible the welfare is most often in the hands of the closest relatives. Only in extreme circumstances is it the responsibility of the state. Even then most of the time it never reaches that level for for it to reach that the death of all relatives, then neighbor's then private citizens must ensue.
When welfare is in the hands of the state what is the picture a centralise and highly bureaucratic disbursement of help. Inherent in this structure is fraud. The money being swindled or lying idle and there is much of the people it is designed to help don't get help. Then there is the dependency where like drugs people get addicted to handouts.
The model propose in the Torah is one where Man is commanded to be compassionate and go beyond that compassion to make sure the person get back on their own two feet.
My thoughts are disjointed now but just for the sake of blogging I am putting this post up.

You will be cultured once you worked through the list

My current project is listening to all the albums listed on this list titled Best Jazz Albums: 50 Essentials You Need to Hear. And once yo...